Tools Used For Effective Learning 1: Edmodo


       Creating an interactive classroom environment is one of the things that teachers and students can collaboratively achieve. In addition to that, many tools help students interact with their classmates and their teachers and manage the classroom if they know how to use them correctly. One of the tools that help teachers manage their classrooms and provide communication with students even with parents is Edmodo. By using Edmodo, teachers can achieve most of their duties via the internet. For example, they can announce and organize necessary materials and assignments with students for the lesson, hold the progress of students in a neat way, use the materials and tools from the previous years, divide students into smaller groups for the tasks, and communicate with students and parents both separately and all together. Besides, the use of Edmodo is quite easy for students. The first thing needed to do is to create a class and share the code of class with students, which is quite helpful for ensuring classroom privacy. It can be seen many similar features with Facebook, but their usages are a little bit different from each other. When students log into Edmodo, they can see the assignments, exams, quizzes, lesson materials, comments, and polls shared by their teachers. Besides, they can see posts shared by people from all around the world according to their interests in the discover section, which is helpful to follow what is going on in the world.

  • Here is the teacher Edmodo account created by me:

  • I opened a 5th Grade English Class class and made my students join it by using the classroom code.

  • Here is the first post that I shared.

  • The first assignment that I shared with the members of the classroom.

  • Here is a Youtube video for the ones that want to learn about Edmodo in detail:
