Hello everyone! Today, we will learn 2 different types of frameworks that are used for learning enhancement.  Besides, I am going to share the mindmaps of these models which are created through the app MindMeister. Mindmaps will help you to visualize what you learn. The first one is the TPACK model.

     TPACK is a framework that helps to teach effectively to learners with the combination of content, pedagogical and technological knowledge. Content knowledge concern what teachers know and pedagogical knowledge concern how they teach. Lastly, technological knowledge concern how technology is used in learning. They can't be thought of separately in the TPACK model. Teachers should know why the TPACK model is so important. The answer is that TPACK enhances learners' understanding and their learning experiences with the help of technology while teaching.

           The SAMR model is a framework that helps to design better learning activities for students.  The framework provides a guide to how technology can and should be used in the classroom. It is developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura to show the impact of technology on learning. It has 4 stages:
  • SUBSTITUTION – Technology is seen as a direct tool substitute, with no functional change. To give an example, teachers can ask for students to write their assignments on a word page instead of writing by hand. 
  • AUGMENTATION –  Technology is still seen as a direct tool substitute, but with functional improvements, which means that learning became more efficient. These first two stages of the framework represent enhancements of learning.
  • MODIFICATION - In this stage, technology not only enhances the learning activity but also significantly transforms it by redesigning the task.
  • REDIFINITION - This stage requires the teacher to think about creating new activities that are generated with the use of technology.

Here are the links of mindmaps created by me;
