Social Networking as an Educational Tool


 Hello Everyone! In this blog, we will be informed about social networking as an educational tool. Most of the educators have been trying to integrate many types of media into a tool of education such as television, artificial intelligence, computer-based training, or asynchronous computer conferencing in order to make education better. One of the latest trends in this field is social networking that emerged with the popularity of social software. Social networking is an educational tool that can be used for creating an interactive learning environment by interacting it into course designs. It is quite important to be aware of the possibility that social software tools can be beneficial in most cases. Using web 2.0 tools can create a natural learning environment by connecting contents and sites and make other people reach a piece of huge connected information. 
For social networking sites, there are three defining characteristics: 

  • Profile that includes information about users such as age, sex, interests. 
  • Traversable, publicly articulated social network. Creating connections with other profiles like friends or contacts. Semi-persistent public comments. 
  • The ability to make comments on other profiles.
       Another point is that experience has been regarded as a key element for better understanding. However, in today’s world, it is not possible to experience everything that’s why people have started to learn from other people’s experiences and expand their knowledge thanks to the possibility of social networking through web 2.0 tools such as Wikipedia or blogging. It is undeniable fact that these interactive networking trends have a great impact on education as well as the growing of knowledge and understanding.       
      In conclusion, social networking is one of the greatest educational tools if some points can be addressed and practiced carefully. These points are the correct usage of social media and web 2.0 tools, being in a cooperative learning environment and understanding of purposes and necessary functions of course design such as interacting, networking, sharing, or commenting, and lastly realizing the original concept of the web in learning.

      I want to share the links of my friends' blogs with you to create connections between the readers of this blog and other people who have interests in technology-integrated education. Here are the links:

