Educational Experience

       Hello everyone! Today, we will basically talk about a different type of framework called "Educational experience" and we will try to explain its four main components in detail. 

  • Social Presence: It is mainly about togetherness in the classroom environment. The student is being perceived as a real person who can participate in lessons actively and share his/ her ideas without hesitation. In order to achieve togetherness in the classroom, teachers can use an icebreaker question in the beginning and collaborative tasks can be done. 
  • Transactional Presence: It is the feeling connected to others, which can be ensured by students' exchanging the information they have with their classmates. So that, feeling of togetherness and demand for collaboration in the learning environment will increase. 
  • Cognitive Presence: It refers to learners constructing knowledge through sustained reflection. For example, in online lessons, group works that students can share their ideas and evaluate their peers' ideas are one of the best ways to apply cognitive presence. They will add new information to what they already know by exchanging ideas.
  • Teaching Presence: It is the design, facilitation, and direction of cognitive and social presence. It is basically about teachers' abilities to make lessons more interactive and successful for learners. Creating tasks, using helpful materials, and making learners comfortable while learning are some of the example tasks that teachers must achieve for facilitation and direction of cognitive and social presence.
By achieving these four presences, educational experience in online lessons can be successfully achieved. This will help students learn in both an enjoyable and interactive way.
